A small, dumpy grebe, much like vagrant Homed, but bill looks upturned, and plumage less pied. Steep forehead, with crown typically peaking at front or centre. Black of crown extends below eye, ear-coverts are dusky grey, and white throat curves up behind ear-coverts in non-breeding plumage. Yellow ear-tufts, black neck and breast in breeding.
Uncommon passage migrant through major waterways and lakes in the eastern parts of Gilgit-Baltistan. Prefers freshwater or saline lakes with aquatic vegetation, marshes and open slow moving rivers and streams. Up to 3000m during migration.
Much food obtained by diving. Frequently practices foliage-gleaning, and feeds more from water surface than do most grebes, picking objects off surface and submerging head while swimming. Especially feeds on insects, both adults and larvae, aquatic bugs, terrestrial and aquatic beetles, and damselflies and dragonflies; also molluscs, crustaceans, amphibians and small fish.
Photo Gallery:
Range & Occurrence:

Distribution Map of Black-necked Grebe in Gilgit-Baltistan (Status: )
Seasonal Occurrence of Black-necked Grebe
Birds of Pakistan: Helm Field Guides (R. Grimmett & T. Inskipp)
The Birds of Pakistan (T. J. Roberts)
Birds of the Indian Subcontinent (C. Inskipp, R. Grimmett & T. Inskipp)
Birds of South Asia: The Ripley Guide (P. Rasmussen & J. Anderton)
Birds of India: Collins Field Guide (N. Arlott)
Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan (S. Ali & S. D. Ripley)
Handbook of the Birds of the World (
The Clements Checklist of Birds of the World, 6th Edition
iNaturalist BoGB (
Birds of Gilgit-Baltistan (
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